Should You start your own sourdough starter from scratch?

Contrary to what you may read online, making a starter from scratch is not only a ton of work, but creates a lot of wasted flour. So why do people start their own sourdough starter from scratch?

Well, some people are up for the challenge. Others are aiming to save money by not buying one. But the thing about trying to save money is most end up spending more money in flour than if they would have just spent a little extra for a head start.

Now you might be thinking, “Megan, you’re bias” and you’d be right. Because I do sell my dehydrated sourdough starter. And she really is a champ! But I also say this because I don’t ever see myself making my own starter from scratch. Why would I? I have a starter than performs so well I have NEVER had a failed loaf.

Yes, you read that right. I’ve never had a dense brick of a loaf. Never had a gummy hockey puck loaf. Never had dough that I had to throw away because it was totally unmanageable. So can you start a sourdough starter from scratch? Yes. But I am not the resource to guide you on that.

If you want to be baking amazing bread for your family in a week or less, purchasing Rowena is going to get you there! Click HERE to get some of my dehydrated sourdough starter and being your sourdough journey with a head start!


My Go-To Beginner Bread Recipe